Family Guy is an Emmy-nominated animated television sitcom, created by Seth MacFarlane, that airs on Fox and regularly on other television networks in syndication. The show centers on a dysfunctional family in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. The show uses frequent "cutaway gags," jokes in the form of tangential vignettes.
S05E01 - Stewie Loves Lois.avi(31.37 MB) [8169 hits]
S05E02 - Mother Tucker.avi(30.69 MB) [5995 hits]
S05E03 - Hell Comes to Quahog.avi(31.95 MB) [5607 hits]
S05E04 - Saving Private Brian.avi(31 MB) [5332 hits]
S05E05 - Whistle While Your Wife Works.avi(30.39 MB) [5049 hits]
S05E06 - Prick Up Your Ears.avi(28.99 MB) [4699 hits]
S05E07 - Chick Cancer.avi(31.33 MB) [4794 hits]
S05E08 - Barely Legal.avi(31.53 MB) [4401 hits]
S05E09 - Road to Rupert.avi(30.94 MB) [4218 hits]
S05E10 - Peters Two Dads.avi(31.01 MB) [3910 hits]
S05E11 - The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou.avi(30.19 MB) [4059 hits]
S05E12 - Airport 07.avi(31.02 MB) [4054 hits]
S05E13 - Bill and Peters Bogus Journey.avi(30.27 MB) [3737 hits]
S05E14 - No Meals On Wheels.avi(31.15 MB) [3877 hits]
S05E16 - No Chris Left Behind.avi(30.52 MB) [3751 hits]
S05E17 - It Takes a Village Idiot and I Married One.avi(30.88 MB) [4124 hits]
S05E18 - Meet The Quagmires.avi(30.64 MB) [3987 hits]
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